STEVEN PITTSLEY: Linux is quickly becoming accepted. HAROLD966: Is Linux a problem for the Microsoft people? It isn’t the same for the Novell? While some of the applications are not new to NetWare, they have either been replaced with better products or upgraded substantially. It also has the Oracle 8i database application. STEVEN PITTSLEY: 5.1 has a decent Web server, FTP server, news server, Multimedia server, and DNS server. JCARLISLE: What’s new with Web Support on 5.1? What kind of services? If you are developing Web-based applications, 5.1 offers a wealth of services. The big change with 5.1 would be the Web support. STEVEN PITTSLEY: Jcarlisle, that depends on your environment.
#Novell netware features upgrade#
Are there any reasons really to upgrade from 4.11 to NetWare 5.1?
We wondered what the advantages to 5.1 were over Win2k. We’re still running a mixed environment of NetWare 5 and 4.11. I personally like the fact that at this point, NDS is a little more stable.
#Novell netware features windows#
JCARLISLE: What are the advantages of NetWare 5.1 versus Windows 2000 Server? STEVEN PITTSLEY: Is anyone running NetWare 5.1 yet?
#Novell netware features Patch#
STEVEN PITTSLEY: Harold, did the NT patch fix the problem that you were having? HAROLD966: The NetWare admin installed some kind of patch on the NT server. STEVEN PITTSLEY: So you moved everything to the NT server? My users had access to the database but also to other different files in the NetWare server. I have a database installed and shared in the NT server. HAROLD966: It was installed over the network. STEVEN PITTSLEY: Was Access being run over the network or installed locally?
HAROLD966: I used Access 97, and it would get frozen more often when the NetWare server was up. Harold, what types of problems did you encounter in your mixed environment? When you mix NT and NetWare, you can run into some interesting problems. Since I work for a hospital, the more reliable our network is, the happier our staff and patients are. I’ve seen NetWare servers that have been up and running for over a year. Novell has been developing it for years, and things such as NDS are very stable. NetWare is a very stable operating system. STEVEN PITTSLEY: Yes, definitely, Harold. There were problems running them together. HAROLD966: I used to work in a mix NT4, NetWare 5 environment. STEVEN PITTSLEY: That’s a pretty broad question, but I’ll try and answer it. MODERATOR: Steven, I had one member who couldn’t make it but wanted to know what are the advantages of NetWare over NT? Does anyone have anything in particular that they would like to discuss? As Joan said, my name is Steven Pittsley, and I am a TechRepublic contributing writer. In the meantime, I’ll give the floor to Steven. At the end of the month, the person who has accumulated the most meetings wins our grand prize, a CNA Novell NetWare 5 Study set. You can win as many meetings as you attend. The person who asks Steven the most in number and most interesting questions “wins” the meeting. I want to remind everyone that we’re doing our prizes just a little differently now. But before I let him have the floor, I’m going to do a little housekeeping. Steven Pittsley is a regular contributor to TechRepublic and Novell expert extraordinaire. MODERATOR: Tonight we have a really great speaker. Note: TechProGuild edits Guild Meeting transcripts for clarity. You can find a schedule of Guild Meetings in your weekly TechProGuild Notes TechMail or on the Guild Meeting calendar. If you couldn’t join us then, enjoy the transcript and we hope to see you on our next live Guild Meeting. On July 11th Steven Pittsley answered questions about Novell NetWare. On July 11 th Steven Pittsley answered questions about Novell NetWare.If you couldn’t join us then, enjoy the transcript and we hope to see you on our next live Guild Meeting.
Interested in using Novell NetWare on your network but don't know how it compares to Microsoft NT? During this Guild Meeting, Steven Pittsley helped TechProGuild understand the basics of NetWare.